What City Really Matches Your Personality?


By: Emily Maggrett

5 Min Quiz

Image: Flashpop/DigitalVision/Getty Images

About This Quiz

Confucius once proclaimed, "Wherever you go, there you are," meaning that any personal issues you experience in one place will follow you to your next home, regardless of how far away it is from the place you started. However, we don't think Confucius was being entirely fair when he said that, because your environment does have a strong impact on your happiness!

Nature lovers are happier in the country than the city, while most ambitious types prefer a bustling metropolis to a small town. If you play winter sports, you probably won't enjoy living in a hot climate, while those with progressive politics will find it easier to make friends on the West Coast than in more conservative areas. Artsy types gravitate toward places with thriving live music scenes, while sports fans don't want to live in a city that doesn't have any sports teams worth rooting for. 

So what about you? Are you the kind of person who craves the sight of mountains, or are you more likely to be obsessed with a town's culinary scene? Either way, you'll enjoy taking this quiz. We've come up with a series of questions designed to determine which American city is perfect for you. Ready to find out which burg you belong in? Play this quiz!

Can you complete this sentence? "I love going out to see live ... "?


Do you garden (or want to garden)?


Your perfect morning would consist of ...


Can you complete this sentence? "I wouldn't want to live in a city without good ... "?


What kind of events get you out of the house?


Imagine it's a hot, humid day and you don't have much to do. How do you feel?


What's your dream job?


In your opinion, what's the best kind of pizza?


How do you feel about old buildings?


What's your favorite kind of tree?


Can you complete this sentence? "It's not a fun weekend unless I get the chance to ... "?


If you were quite wealthy, how would you choose to live?


What kind of people do you feel the most comfortable around?


Let's say you're in the mood to break a sweat. How are you going to get active?


What level of education do most of your friends have?


Can you complete this sentence? "The political issue I care about the most is ... "?


It's a brisk, cold day. You're craving a ...


Which city's motto do you relate to the most?


Do you like to use public transportation?


What's your favorite kind of pie?


If you had to sum up your personality, you'd say you're as mellow as a ...


Can you complete this sentence? "Food is ... "?


In your opinion, what's the best thing about living in a city?


Where are you from originally?


Can you drive in the snow?


In a past life, you were a ...


Can you complete this sentence? "Nature is ... "?


Do you have any city-related pet peeves?


If you could change your life in just one way, what would it be?


Do you enjoy dressing up for work?


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