What Kind of Job Did You Have in a Past Life?


By: Teresa McGlothlin

5 Min Quiz

Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

Whether you are avidly in touch with parts of your past life, or you are simply wondering how you managed to make ends meet back then, we have developed a reverse-career-counseling quiz that will tell you all you need to know. After you share your personality traits, your work ethic and your on-the-job experiences with us, we'll pair you with the job that helped make you who you are. Without even realizing it, your past-life jobs have helped shape the worker you are today! 

For the purpose of this quiz, we are not going to target any specific era to find out which job you held. Instead, we are going to ask you all about your day, how you feel about your boss and how you would handle things if you were in charge. Once you tell us how you feel, we'll pick up on the past life job that has lent its experiences to your current title. 

You could have been a cowboy driving the steer home through the driving snow, or you could have been a banker with a stiff upper lip. When we tally up your answers, we'll know how you paid the piper in your past life! Are you ready to find out? 

When you are at work, do you ever experience a sense of déjà vu?


What do you enjoy the most about your current job?


Do you think you served in the military during a past life?


Don't be shy — how do you really feel about your boss?


What is the best thing you bring to your job?


Using one word, what does your workspace look like?


Would you rather work with children or with animals?


If we asked your coworkers to describe you in the mornings, what would they say?


What would be your job in a hospital setting?


Are you better with words or with numbers?


If you had a flirty dream about your boss, how would you feel?


How long is your daily commute?


Would you consider going back to school to further your current career?


How much do your coworkers know about your private life?


Would you prefer to work indoors or outdoors?


If you were asked to fire someone, how would you handle it?


What kind of first responder job sounds most appealing to you?


Where do you usually have lunch?


What do you think you have in common with a farmer?


Do you work a lot of overtime?


What do your coworkers do that drives you crazy?


Which shift do you like working most?


How would you describe your work wardrobe?


If you were the boss, what sort of leader would you be?


Do you ever break the rules at your job?


In a former life, which industry do you suspect you worked in?


Have you ever worked in a restaurant?


Which of these jobs sounds least appealing?


When you are on the job, are you more creative or handy?


Have you ever been fired from a job?


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We want you to look inward and explore new and interesting things about yourself. We want you to look outward and marvel at the world around you. We want you to laugh at past memories that helped shape the person you’ve become. We want to dream with you about all your future holds. Our hope is our quizzes and articles inspire you to do just that.

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